
It's not about me

This is the place where artists usually talk about themselves and describe their music a little.   

I’m not going to say much about me.  I don’t matter.  The music matters.  That’s what it’s all about.  

My music is completely original.  I haven’t played anybody else’s music in about 34-35 years.  I studied music theory and then taught myself The Star Spangled Banner, part of Beethoven’s Für Elise, some Mozart, some Bach, and a little bit of Henry Mancini’s The Pink Panther.  I then forget it all and resolved to never play anybody else’s music again.  I’ve worked since then to develop my own original music and style.  I think I’ve been relatively successful.  You can decide for yourself.

My professional credits are minimal and just include working on records (CDs) and recording Farm Aid IV.  I’m listed as an assistant producer on an obscure album called The Hungry Years by a little known artist named Willie Nelson.  I’d have more credits but I cared more about playing the piano than professional credits.

About me.  I’m a man.  I’m older but not yet old.  I had a wonderful wife but she died recently and now I just have two great dogs and some friends.  I’m located just over the creek, past the pecan tree, in Austin, Texas.  

Please excuse the clumsy website design, I had to do it all myself and I’m ignorant and inexperienced.  I didn’t like the store I had to settle on so I’ve set up a page with everything in one list with links directly to those items (My Stuff).  You can use it or go directly to the store through Store Front.  Or, if you don’t feel comfortable getting stuff from me, go directly to Apple or Amazon.  They, however, don’t have the sheet music.

I hope you enjoy your visit.

Thank you for your time.

Philip Bowden